Early December, a 2-year-old dog was surrendered to a high kill shelter in Los Angeles, CA. He was left due to reasons that no animal should be left for. Seeing the distress this dog was in, a shelter working posted this puppy’s plight on social media. He was shaking and crying and out of hope.
My mother, Michelle Danielson, founder of Pet Evac Pack saw the post and without hesitation, she reached out to me, knowing I was looking for another dog to keep my other rescue Brodie company. She said there was something about his eyes.
After a few phone calls and with no help from the shelter to hold this boy for us until we could get there, we reached out to our friend Sondra Fuller, of the Colorado Dalmatian rescue. Sondra has been rescuing dogs for years and has helped us in the past. With her help, and multiple phone calls, he was finally pulled and taken to a vet’s for boarding until we could get there.
Off we went early that Sunday morning, December 15th, we flew out to LA, from Reno Nevada. We landed, picked up our rental car for the 9-hour drive back. We headed straight to the vet’s office where Lucky (Loco at the time) was being boarded. We walked in and let the folks know we were there for Loco. They greeted us with such excitement, and immediately started getting everything together. When they brought him out from the back to meet us, he seemed a little tattered, and broken at first, but showed no aggression in any way. The staff and customers in the lobby were giddy knowing this wonderful dog found his forever home.

With Lucky now riding shotgun, we headed back. He was such a good boy all the way home. Occasionally I would glance in the back to check on him and I could see him rubbing on his blanket or chewing on his bone. It wasn’t long before he started to be playful, then it happened, the biggest smile I’ve ever seen with a dog. He was happy, ears perked up, and enjoying the moment.
Lucky now resides in Sparks, NV, with his new brother Brodie. After a visit to the vet, it turns out, Lucky has arthritis, and he’s probably 6 to 8 years old. Overall, he’s a healthy boy. We have him on treatment for the arthritis, and he’s moving around like a young pup again. The unconditional love, and smiles from Lucky never stop! I named him Lucky because of his situation, however I’m the lucky one.

Check out rescues and shelters in and out of your area. You never know where you might find your next best friend.