Nancy Sarnoff tells how she used to take her mother to visit the animal shelter to visit the dogs, in hopes of adopting one. During their visits, Nancy noticed that her mom was always putting money into the donation jar, even if she didn’t adopt anyone that day. Witnessing her mother’s unfailing support of these organizations inspired Nancy to start volunteering at a local organization, Orphan Pets. There she learned the ropes of rescue and saw first-hand the dire need for more people to step up and take action to save the lives of homeless pets.
The life saving began 30 years ago, and Perfect Pet Rescue has saved 14,000 dogs to date.
Expanding her commitment, she began volunteering at West LA Shelter. There she met a woman who was as passionate about saving lives as she was. The two knew they could help in a more impactful way, and together they created Perfect Pet Rescue (PPR). Starting from scratch, the women found a veterinarian who generously offered to house their rescues and provide medical care. From there, the life saving began. That was 30 years ago, and at the time of this publication, the organization has saved 14,000 dogs.
Dogs come into the care of PPR in various ways – shelter dogs who are out of time, owner surrenders, pets whose guardians have passed away, abandoned, and injured animals found by good citizens, backyard breeder turn-ins, the list is endless. But, no matter how a dog finds their way to PPR, all are treated with compassion, given the love and care they deserve, and most importantly, each dog receives the gift a new beginning.
Prior to adoption, all dogs are treated for any medical conditions, a full dental examination is performed, they are brought up to date on vaccinations, and are spayed or neutered. Some dogs are fostered by volunteers and some live at the rescue’s home base in Los Angeles, where they get plenty of play time, love and attention from staff and volunteers and, of course, Nancy.
Nancy says that every dog she saves each has a deeply rooted place in her heart, as do their adopters. “Over the years, I have met so many special people, and been lucky to become friends with them and have them be a part of my life. Recently, a couple visited who had just lost their dog to cancer. While visiting us, they fell in love with a dog we were caring for who had a large tumor. They fell in love with her, said they would take care of her medical needs, and adopted her. Those kinds of adopters are very special, and I know that sweet dog will have the best life with her new family.”
A few years ago, Nancy saved a white fluffy dog from the shelter who was found on the street—he was dirty and “just a mess.” But, she says, “He was so sweet.” Once rescued, a photo of the dog caught the eye of his future mom—Oscar-winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Jamie Lee Curtis. Nancy says, “She flew down to meet him, and it was like it was meant to be, ” Nancy reveals. “Runi and his mom Jamie have become wonderful advocates for animal rescue, and their wide-reaching support helps everyone in the field of rescue.”
Nancy says her future goals for PPR are simple: Keep saving the dogs who need it most. To achieve this, PPR depends on volunteers, adopters, and donations of all kinds. She says they always need more volunteers to facilitate dog walks, play dates, and Doggie Day Out style field trips for the dogs. If you are interested in volunteering, adopting, or supporting PPR in any way, a visit to their website will get you started. While you’re there, be sure to check out the Available Dogs section, updated daily—perhaps you’ll find your perfect match.
As for all those trips Nancy made to the animal shelter with her mother? Well, her mom never did find “the right dog.” But perhaps her bigger plan was to show Nancy where she was needed most.
A Few Furry Faces From Perfect Pet Rescue

Adoption status of dogs pictured is unknown at time of print; please contact PPR for more details. IG: @perfect_pet_rescue FB: @PerfectPetRescue