
Surviving the Pain of Losing Your Pet

An Interview with Dr. Katie Lawlor, Psy.D., MIA Losing a pet can feel like a blow to the gut, leaving you gasping for air. Many pet owners will affirm that...


Southern California has no shortage of celebrities, and that includes the four-legged kind. Let us introduce you to...

Legacies of Love

Golden retrievers bring the magic. Their glistening fur, big smiles, and wagging tails have a knack for prompting...

Cooper the Mini Golden

Janet had longed for a golden retriever ever since she was a little girl. Somehow, she just knew...

The Golden Dogs of Therapy

Golden retrievers are an iconic breed, known for their good nature, intelligence, love of training, and ability to...

Tips for a Healthy and Happy Summer

Hydration: Make sure your pet always has access to clean fresh water, which is even more important during summer months. Stay active: Have your pet exercise indoors...

Recovering from Surgery Let the Healing Begin

It’s 6:00 a.m. on a Monday, and your recently adopted 1-yearold shepherd mix pup Luna is staring at you hungrily from the side of...

Dealing With Anxiety?

5 Top Tips to Calm Your Pet I s your pet showing signs of anxiety? Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense or...

Elimination Matters – The Scoop on Where Pets Poop

The act of elimination (urination and defecation) is something veterinarians have to discuss with each client during every appointment. Understanding a patient’s bowel movements,...

Urinary Tract Problems in Dogs and Cats

It’s 7 a.m. and you have gotten very little sleep after letting your dog out into the yard four or five times overnight. As...

Degenerative Myelopathy

by Dr. John Waterhouse You may wonder why you sometimes see corgis with their back legs being supported by what looks like a dog-sized wheelchair....